Gotcha! You’re interested. Am I right? 😉

Brain? Heart? Or both? This is the common problem of those people who are deeply in LOVE! They do not know what they will use or follow when it comes to love.  When your mind says that you must do this and you should do that, your heart is always against of what your mind says. It’s too hard.

We  all know that our heart don’t have the ability of thinking. It just pumps our blood for its continuous flow in our body so that we will be able to live. It’s our brain that has the capability to think. But when it comes to love, we follow more our hearts and not our mind. The question is WHY?

Because our brain is saying the truth when we’re in love and we can’t accept that fact. For example, The Brain says: NO!; The Heart says: GO!; The Brain says: YOU CAN’T LOVE HIM/HER; The Heart says: PUT NOTHING ABOVE HIM/HER. Did you get the point? J That’s why we are all confused! But come to think of it, we don’t have brains in our hearts. J But for me, when it comes to emotions, feelings, etc., then yes, our heart is the one who is responsible for it.

But in the end, our brain will stop and remind us of our mistakes that we have done from past when we chose to use our hearts. Time will come that we will prove to ourselves that the brain is right.


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